Wednesday, April 23, 2008

what would a breast say?

I'm coming close to finishing my first sound boob piece--as part of the nipples for breasts project I've been working on. I still need to work on embedding speakers and an appropriate power source, but I'm not too concerned with those elements, they'll be easy enough to work out. I want to have a few that say things, or have music that comes from them, but I'm not sure what a breast would say, or what music would come from it.

If you were in a gallery and there were a large fiber breast sitting on a pedestal, what sounds would you imagine coming from it?


REY said...

I think a breast might have a heartbeat, or a wooshing sound like the ocean. Thats sort of what you hear if you actually put your head on/near someone's breast. And its comforting, which is something I associate with breasts.

Some breasts though, are flashier and very distracting. They might talk, loudly and quickly, or play music that is hard to ignore.

As for what specifically a breast would say, I always feel like breasts are inviting me somewhere.

FirstPersonArts said...

What if it sexually harassed gallery visitors in the voice of a construction worker or lecherous boss with really cheesy lines like: Ooh, yeah, you want fries to go with that shake?