Saturday, November 29, 2008


"My new favorite ____ "

I recently decided to stop proclaiming everything as my new favorite _______ .  It's just wrong to have so many favorites, and I wore out the true meaning of favorite.  However, I found myself declaring Kyotofu as my new favorite place, and their pastry chef as my new favorite person (as I hugged her)--and I meant it sincerely.  This wasn't like the time that I told Neil Diamond I was his biggest fan.  

I had just enjoyed some green tea soba noodles, followed by a soy ice cream sundae; I was content on a nice Saturday in NYC.  Life felt good. As the pastry chef handed over a Miss Koco & Sugar Monk sized bag of assorted mini desserts and delectable treats, my heart fluttered.  A true and profound burst of love flowed from me.  If I were to try to create a visual for you, it was a lot like a Care Bear Stare. Not that I was fighting off evil and bad vibes, but it was like an intense beam of light from my chest filled with joy, happiness, love, and goodness.  Bliss. I zoned out.  I couldn't hear anything. 100% Bliss. 

In this bag of immense yumminess there were two dark chocolate things that looked like mini brownies. One was filled with some smooth chocolate fudge-like stuff and the other had a spicy filling.  Spicy chocolate was unexpectedly, yet fully, enjoyable. Then there were cookies and a small green tea muffin!  I savored them, eating one at a time throughout the day.  It was exactly what I needed.  My new heroes: pastry chefs.

Kyotofu is at 705 9th Avenue (near 48th) in Hell's Kitchen. It's a nice place to go as a treat, a prelude to other kinds of fun, for something different but quite delish.  

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