First we need some supplies so we went to the supermarket where they play super happy elevator music versions of classic rock and cheezy 80's hits. I get a kick out of that place. The ingredients include: chicken, shitake and buna-shimeji mushrooms (aka beech mushrooms), carrots, potatoes, a leek, white miso, kombu (a kind of seaweed), tofu, dashi (a soup stock) and a few small peppers.
As a side dish we made some fried tofu. It's pretty simple. First, cut up the tofu. We made the pieces small so that they'd cook quickly. We were really hungry. Fry the tofu in vegetable oil. Flip the pieces so all sides brown. Then put them on some paper towels to soak up the oil. Top the tofu with finely shredded daikon (a big radish), bonito flakes, seaweed, soy sauce and some rice vinegar.
Pictures of this micro kitchen please!
That food looks delicious.
It's two burners and a sink with a little space in between. That's it!
The range is electric so it has buttons to control the heat, turn on the fan or light.It also has some kind of safety function where it turns off automatically after a certain temperature. I still burn things though. I'm good at that.
My bentos (lunch boxes) are coming along nicely though. I spend a lot of time preparing cute little side dishes. More on that soon.
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