Thursday, February 19, 2009

links to love

In The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell talked about mavens, people with some kind of specialized knowledge. For all things funny, interesting, and important in the world I rely heavily on two sources: my friend Luimbe and the almighty ITP Alumni listserv. Luimbe is a maven when it comes to the most delicious ridiculousness from the internet.

Luimbe has a unique ability--a super human magnetism that sucks things in from all corners of the internet. He scans content at lightning speeds, tossing aside the best nonsense to serve up to people like myself in the form of links. Beautiful, hilarious, brilliant links. His links are so tasty that I feel it is time to dedicate occasional content on my own blog to the wonders I discover through him. I will call it Luimbe's Gold Lui's Golden Ticket, uhhh... golden linkage? Luimbe's Links? Links Love Lui? LinkLuimbe? http://luimbelinks? Good Ish from the Big L... I'll have to think about that more. Just so you get an idea of what I'm talking about, here are some recent tidbits from my inbox:

Oh, and this is great: The Worst Album Covers Ever (.pdf)

I do love Luimbe's Links. They keep life interesting. More! More! More!

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