Tuesday, August 12, 2008

collecting heroes

I met a woman in Maine this past weekend who raised 13 children. 11 girls, 2 boys. All of them are fascinating and successful individuals. What a feat! I was just in awe meeting her and all her children.

I read a short little piece by Rebecca Walker recently:

Buddhism's teachings on interdependence, compassion, and the cultivation of happiness rather than regret, were just what a mixed race, multi-everything girl needed to hear to feel whole. Buddhism said the fragmentation I felt was an illusion. My essential nature as a human being had never been broken, never been stained. My thoughts about myself were problematic.

But my thoughts could be changed.

And I met a guy named Phil on an island in Thailand. He said to me, "If you're looking for a life partner, just focus on making yourself happy."

I'm collecting heroes. These people, the things they've done, the things they say, they've been stuck in my head. I carry them with me everywhere I go. Thank you.

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