What's up with the extreme icing? I saw these today at an upscale market in Center City Philadelphia for 3 bucks. I think my body would go into shock if I ate something like that.
Looking at them I was suddenly reminded of that scene in Death Becomes Her, where an extremely obese version of Goldie Hawn waddles into the kitchen and opens the cabinet stocked with frosting, in every flavor. She grabs one, rips open the container, and starts eating its contents with her fingers.
blimey, not only is that a lot of sugar but to pay $5 for one cake! That's £2.50 which could buy you a bread, milk and apples. (can you tell what we run out of all the time)
They are cute though!
Going through my files and came across the pics from the Zelen party in November.
Miss ya.
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