Friday, January 25, 2008

Releasing Books

I went to the first Story Slam of 2008, presented by First Person Arts, at L'etage. What a great event and a wonderful organization. They come up with a theme, 10 people get 5 minutes to tell a story, the judges vote, a winner is declared. Then at the end of the year all the winners from the slams compete for the title of Best Storyteller in Philadelphia (for that year). Fabulous.

ALSO, I figured it was a good venue to release one of my books into the wild. I've recently become a bookcrosser. The idea behind is that books should be passed around and shared. You register a book on the site and then you can track where it goes, and discuss it with the people who found and read it through the journal posts. I'm going to release a couple books today at the Philly Java Company at 2nd and Christian.

1 comment:

FirstPersonArts said...

Hi Miss Koco,

Thanks for coming out! I hope you had a great time. I saw the book you launched into the world at one point, but I lost track of it, so it should be well on it's way. Please join us again for the next slam on Feb. 18th! Also, just posted a video of the night's winner: Kendra Gaeta. Hope to see you again,

First Person Arts