A day in Pai looks like this:
8 AM
It's really chilly. Surprisingly cold since it gets so hot during the day. Under the covers I've created a cocoon of warmth that I never want to leave. I slowly wake, remembering that I'm in Thailand, that I'm on vacation, and I creep from under the covers into the chill wondering what I'll get into today.
Breakfast in the garden. It's a clear day and it's warm in the sun, but still chilly. I'm wearing a cashmere sweater and long pants. Fruit, tea, some juice.
Yoga at Mama's.
with dreads (one that is blue, one that is pink)
who can do full splits (among other freaky human tricks)
who used to be a beer model
who has a 30-year-old son, named Dom who doesn't speak any English, but likes to drink, sleep, eat and smoke
who says the funniest things and has the greatest stories
who likes putting clothing on her pets
After doing like a million sun salutations I'm no longer cold, at all. I'm sweating. I'm doing certain poses I never thought I'd be able to do. I even dare to try a headstand. Mama's "studio" is in her traditional Thai house. It's a bit dark in there, there's cat hair (and smell) all over, but the yoga is cheap, the vibes are way good, and Mama tells stories over a simple lunch after class. I start to think I could do this everyday for the rest of my life.
Tea time.
Fran and I meet for tea at the same place where we originally met a few days ago. Everyday since then we have sat at the same table, in the same chairs, as if we have assigned seats. We talk about nothing and everything. She understands me like I've known her forever. I paste things in my journal. Today I try a "love potion" tea and she finishes her coffee and and a orange slushy looking dessert, so it looks like it's time for us to check email and the book of face.
When the sun sets, it's time to put on more clothing. All the sudden the town looks a bit like a ski village. Knit hats with ear flaps, fleece, hot chocolate and nice toasty beverages. Then I go wander and then I go back to my little house and go to sleep. YAY! I love Pai.